Residential subdivision

To subdivide in the Residential Zone of the Waipa District, you need to have a minimum of 500m2 for a vacant site and 400m2 around an existing dwelling.  This is the net area, so it excludes any area required for access. 

The District Plan states that an average lot area of 600m2 or greater is required for three or more lots, with a maximum area of 1,000m2 (no maximum in the Cambridge Residential Character Area).  If a reduced net lot area or a reduced average lot area is required, then this can be explored with Cogswell to determine feasibility. 

Note: There is also an option to develop via infill housing which is three to six lots between 350m2 to 600m2 (two to six lots between 400m2 to 500m2 in the Cambridge Residential Character Area) with a concurrent land use consent with complying house designs. 

What is the process?
Cogswell will prepare the subdivision application and then complete the topographical survey of the property, and then submit the application to Council.  The consent application will be processed and then issued with a number of conditions.  Cogswell will work on completing the conditions of consent and then getting the new titles for you.  If there a non-compliances with the application, then Cogswell may consider meeting with Council to discuss the application in further detail prior to making the application. 

Contact Cogswell direct to obtain more information on the costs and the timeframe to complete the subdivision. 


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