

This project is currently in the first stage of construction involving the development of the first 46 Lots of a planned 200 Lot development to be completed in three stages. The project is essentially the last stages of the existing Norfolk Downs development which abuts to the South and lies on the Western side of Swayne Road, just South of the Waikato Expressway overbridge.

The project will provide a mixture of housing options including residential sections and a medium density development in the front, consisting of two storey apartment type dwellings. A small Commercial node is also proposed fronting Swayne Road.

Cogswell Surveys has prepared Resource Consent application, completed engineering design drawings for construction and will provide project management, construction supervision and surveying services through to completion and issue of new titles.

The project is well underway with earthworks largely completed and sewer, stormwater reticulation also nearing completion. The next step with the project will be installation of other major infrastructure items such as a sewage pump station and water reticulation, followed by roading construction. The main road in from Swayne Road will also provide connection to the new Cambridge Oaks Development, a retirement style project to the North that buts the Waikato Expressway.

Planning and engineering design works for the project have largely been carried out by Cogswell Surveys, who will be responsible for the supervision of the project through to completion to ensure a high-quality product is provided for the clients.


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